Freshen up your dog with our basic brush, bath and dry. Includes ear cleaning and nail trimming.
A brush, bath, dry, styling and clipping. Nail trimming and ear cleaning included.
Suitable for all silk and wire coated breeds, depending on previous grooming methods. We can offer rolling the coat monthly or a full handstrip every 6 months.
If your dog is prone to matting and tangles easily, you can bring them in for 30 minute sessions at a cost of £12 to help keep the matts away!
Has your dog found something amazing to roll in on one of your walks? If so, do not worry. Walk-ins are welcome, in busy periods they may have to wait a little while.
A series of sessions to help your new family member learn to love coming to us for a pamper! Available 15 days after their second set of vaccinations.
During your dogs first appointment with us we will carry out a health check. This includes checking the gums, teeth, nose eyes, ears, skin, coat, limbs, genital area and pulse/heart rate. This is carried out with you present during the registration process and grooming plan. Please note that this does not replace your regular health check with your vet, it is for your dogs benefit to ensure they are healthy enough to be groomed, which shampoo would be best for their skin and which brushes we will use.
Depending on your puppy, times and services range from £10, 15-20minutes session to £30 for 2 hours. All of our puppy introductions include positive reinforcement, assessment of their response to various grooming tools, treats and playtime. Depending on your dogs confidence they will enjoy a bath, gentle blow dry, ear cleaning and nail trimming. For dogs who are going to be clipped in the future (around 6-8 months) we shall introduce them to the feel and noise of the clippers gently without clipping any hair until they are comfortable with them.
The process of handstripping is to remove the dead hair from the root so that a new coat can grow. This can be carried out on all silk and wire coats. At Kims Dog grooming we have experience with both coat types and all shapes and sizes. Handstripping is carried out once every 6 months, so although it seems more expensive than clipping it doesn't need regular visits to maintain. When your dog is ready they may start to scratch or rub themselves against furniture. This is due to the dead hair blocking the new hair growing into the follicle and the dog is doing a bit of DIY handstripping! They may also have a 'blown' coat, characterised by tufts of hair clearly visible through the dogs top coat and clumping strands of hair that may look like tumbleweeds floating across the floor. The benefits of handstripping, when carried out correctly, is that it is a quite relaxing, painless groom where most of the dogs take a little nap during the groom! The coat keeps its beautiful, rich natural colour, keeps the coat waterproof and dirt repellent, the coat keeps its ability to regulate the temperature. Keeping the dog cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter. 2 weeks after your dog has been handstripped with us, they receive a free bath and blow dry.